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Stuttgart travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Stuttgart, Germany!

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Travel guide to Stuttgart
Statues overlayed with the soft light
Statues overlayed with the soft light
Stuttgart is one of the beautiful and economically strong cities in the south of Germany. Located inside a beautiful landscape of hills it offers its visitors many unique attractions. The unbelievable amount of mineral water for example. After Budapest in Hungary, Stuttgart has the most mineral water springs. Millions of liters from that healthy water are pushing to the surface each minute. There are about 5 public baths where you can dip into for refreshment. Try out the Loize for example.

Stuttgart is also home to some famous wine which grows all along the city. To get to the wineyards you often have to take hundreds of beautiful old steps called "Stäffele" which are unique to Stuttgart
Some famous factories are also located here. Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Bosch. All have their roots in Stuttgart.
The car itself has been invented here nearby in Esslingen. Where Rudolf Benz drove from Bad Canstatt (part of Stuttgart) to Esslingen in the first ever ride in an automotive! [edit text]  [editors]

Stuttgart's travel tips, pictures, advice

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Travel reports on Stuttgart

Author Rating Date
Stuttgart -between history and hightech 
Stuttgart,  Germany 
rafa01  rating  2004-09-11
Wasen - Oktoberfest in Stuttgart 
Stuttgart,  Germany 
beograd  rating  2005-09-26
Home sweat home! 
Stuttgart,  Germany 
andreas  rating  2002-06-18
more travel reports on Stuttgart (4)

Travel tips on Stuttgart

picture place / location rating / by member
Calwer Eck

Calwer Eck

Germany - Stuttgart eirissa

Corso Cinema International

Germany - Stuttgart fydrich

AQUA (Restaurant and Lounge)

Germany - Stuttgart fydrich

Wok Imbiss

Germany - Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart fydrich

Brunnenwirt (Snacks)

Germany - Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart fydrich

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