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Dear perpepaj

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Joined: Jun 02
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Posted: 2006-04-10 18:09:00   

Answer to Debby.

Well over a year ago I published a travel report on Tirana, Albania’s capital. I thought that Globo members respected the fact that travelers have different kinds of tastes and preferences. I did not write a particular positive report on Tirana. If you’d read it you will understand why. With these reports we should always keep in mind that it is nothing more than a personal opinion.

Recently I got a comment on my report from a member called perpepaj, which I will repeat here.

"I have been to Albania on a number of occasions and have enjoyed myself. It's a shame you have given such a negitive account when only stayed 1 and half day's there. Perhaps you should not go to Eastern Europe if you are not prepared to expect that there are big differences. Advice go to one of the holiday resorts in spain"

Perpepaj is a young lady from the UK called Debby, who wrote this comment on the very first day of her membership of Globo Sapiens, March 20th of this year.

Without having gotten even a bit of the feel of this site the very first thing Debby does is write this comment with the sarcastic advice.

Dear Debby,

Let’s analyze.

First of all the report is about Tirana, not Albania.

Because you liked your stays it seems that any contrary opinion is “a shame”.

Also it has probably escaped you that, although you do not agree with its contents, that does not mean that the report is of low quality.

It gets funny when you start giving me advice. I should not travel Eastern Europe if I’m not prepared.

to expect differences.

Dear Debby, since six years I have a house in Eastern Europe, in Hungary to be exact. From there I have traveled the whole Balkan an enjoyed it very much.

Dear Debby, if you are so specialized on the Balkan, than you of all people should know that there is a huge difference between Albania and most other Eastern European countries.

It gets a bit pathetic when Debby advises me to go to Spain.

Dear Debby, I don’t have to. I live there. Right on the Mediterranean cost.

Every year about 50 million people come the Spain on holidays. So, dear Debby, what gives you the right to condemn them, especially when the majority are your countrymen?


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Posted: 2006-04-12 16:03:00   

Hi Harry,

maybe that Debby just want's to make you a fool?? She only logged in on that March 20 and never again... My suggestion: Take it easy :-)

By the way: Even if Debby would log in again, she would not be able to read your posting: You wrote that in the restricted access area, that she is not able to enter until beeing a member for a certain period and collecting 500 points.

Regards, Christian

p.s.: Maybe my motto can help you:

Just SMILE - and the world smiles with you!!

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Posted: 2006-04-13 03:23:00   

Lonewolf I understand your frustration now when I go back to the report and find so many 4* and 5* ratings then suddenly a 1* mishap. I wish a +/- *** or even ** deviation limit was forced for reports like for pictures. Even if the first rating is extremely good or bad, members rate the best they can and after about 10 ratings the item becomes its true average rating even if slowly.

Very well answered Christian. What I don't understand is the "cr*p" word from Tashy. This is not Google Groups!


P.S: As GLOBO grows we will get more of these conflicts, let us try always react positively and diplomatically, also rate properly. I know I am too direct, harsh and critical sometimes too but always try and believe my aims & comments are for good of GLOBO as a whole and specially for its quality, often taken lightly amoungst my friends (hopefully).

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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