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Posted: 2006-04-20 13:47:00   

In the last couple of days there have been a number of photos by two new members of the sort of personal picture that we all agree we don't want to see.

However, surely there are ways of reacting to them which are and which aren't discouraging. 1* with no explanation after a number of votes must surely be considered discouraging, particularly where it happens with a number of somebody's pictures. If somebody chooses to comment by guestbook or message, which may well be more appropriate, surely it's worth putting a photo comment 'see my - - -' so that others know it has been dealt with. Otherwise somebody may be showered with e-mail messages, which is also discouraging.

With new members I don't find any place for sarcasm - nor, I'm afraid, do I find comments that the gallery should mainly be used for competitive photography very helpful. If that becomes the case it will restrict the number submitting photos to a very few of YOU - N.B. not US.

Then, when leinadra's photo of the Fat drain only had 1* like her picture of herself, how is she meant to distinguish?Admittedly the quality was not top noch.

Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.

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Posted: 2006-11-08 03:04:00   

hi david,

i have a concern regarding what appears to be competitive photography.

when i first joined globo, it was because of the wonderful and personable mix of photos and reports. a lot of the photos i have posted lately - and have seen others post - have had comments made that the composition is terrible or the framing etc.

if youre anything like me, when you travel, you snap what makes you feel good or gives you a memory of somewhere you have been.

this is the type of photography and writing we should be encouraging. well thats my opinion anyway.

have a great day


"Don't listen to what they say. Go see." ~ Chinese proverb

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Posted: 2006-11-08 11:10:00   

Hi Tara

I agree that some things other than technical excellence should be taken into consideration - which is possibly why I often give one * different to the average - not always in the same direction.

However there's been such a lot on ths subject and I shouldn't like to stir it all up again.

I think there was widespread agreement that to get 5* a photo needs to be technically perfect, a necessary but not a sufficient condition, whereas other factors come into play for all other grades.

Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.

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Posted: 2006-11-08 13:26:00   


As always when talking about picture ratings I can't shut up.

There are so many topics about what is liked or less liked and how to tell it with the rating and what comments are appopriate, it's a never ending story.

We agreed on a rating scheme that goes this way:

* poor (uninteresting, not travel related, personal pictures)

** below average (mediocre, out of focus, somewhat boring)

*** good (interesting, nice subject, in focus, good composition)

**** very good (great, high quality, clear, interesting, I wish I had taken it)

***** excellent (amongst the best, amazing, I could stare at this all day)

The whole topic is here:

In my opinion, there is a big difference if you are taking pictures for yourself and your memories or if you want to share your adventures with others and make them want to go there and see for themselfes.

There are quite some people here who are interested in getting detailed feedback and on what could be improved for others to look at their pictures.

So, I'm perfectly happy with you taking snap shots on your travels but just don't expect then to get high ratings. And still consider that *** is good!

If people just give 4 or 5 star ratings the whole rating sytem is senseless.

A perfect exemple for a 5* rating is this picture here:

As Rudi said: there are members who would whish to rate it 7* because they rated a whole bunch of pictures that are never as good as this one with 5* already.

My 2cts


Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!

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Posted: 2006-11-08 20:48:00   

On 2006-11-08 13:26:00, mortimer wrote:

As always when talking about picture ratings I can't shut up.

There are so many topics about what is liked or less liked and how to tell it with the rating and what comments are appopriate, it's a never ending story.

We agreed on a rating scheme that goes this way:
* poor (uninteresting, not travel related, personal pictures)
** below average (mediocre, out of focus, somewhat boring)
*** good (interesting, nice subject, in focus, good composition)
**** very good (great, high quality, clear, interesting, I wish I had taken it)
***** excellent (amongst the best, amazing, I could stare at this all day)

The whole topic is here:

In my opinion, there is a big difference if you are taking pictures for yourself and your memories or if you want to share your adventures with others and make them want to go there and see for themselfes.

There are quite some people here who are interested in getting detailed feedback and on what could be improved for others to look at their pictures.

So, I'm perfectly happy with you taking snap shots on your travels but just don't expect then to get high ratings. And still consider that *** is good!

If people just give 4 or 5 star ratings the whole rating sytem is senseless.

A perfect exemple for a 5* rating is this picture here:
As Rudi said: there are members who would whish to rate it 7* because they rated a whole bunch of pictures that are never as good as this one with 5* already.

My 2cts


hi david and martin - i hadnt seen the other posts, but now i have, i understand.

i didnt want to stir up the hornets nest - but thank you for pointing me in the right direction

"Don't listen to what they say. Go see." ~ Chinese proverb

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