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Negative comments on places

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Posted: 2006-01-11 14:01:00   

Logically I find it as important to read about negative aspects of places as any other if I want to decide whether to use the time taken to visit them.

However, in practice I always feel reluctant to write a destination report or a travel tip which knocks a place much. For instance I hate Versailles, I don't find the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela pleasing and I don't at all like Granada [with the exception of the marvellous Alhambra,] nor Braga in Portugal.

What do others think - are negative comments legitimate? - or is it better to duck out and leave those places to people with positive feelings?


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Joined: Jun 02
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Posted: 2006-01-11 16:34:00   

hey David! Good health and high spirits!

As to your comment on negative replies.. I think "hate" is a strong word.. In my travels I found many things I didn't find attractive or appreciative.. I think in the views of places that should be left to the viewer "different strokes for different folks" As for other negative comments I think that if it's a benifiet for a traveller to know the "negative" than by all means do tell...

for example....Moroc was the only country that after a week I wanted to leave. The people made it hard to like it they pushed too hard the tourist didn't even have to get out of your car and have people pushing to sell to you made it very uncomfortable.

However, that being the negative, the further south you go, the less tourists. and the stay more pleasant.

As for Haiti, nope, nothing really good to say about it at all but, you must go just once, to appreciate it.



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Posted: 2006-01-11 19:32:00   

Hi David

Whenever you write a report you can explain all your feelings of a place and if they were negative well thats it just get the message to us why it was like that.

I for instance loved versailles eventhoug it's so very touristy and crowded but it's full of history and beauty there are all sorts of things to discover... but it's to ones personal taste.

If you feel like writing about a place you didn't like, go ahead.

On the other hand, you probably haven't taken much pictures or taken in a lot of memories of thoses places so you would possibly have a small amount of information to contribute and I think the ratings would be quite low :-)

Anyway to have a controversial view of certain things doesn't always help so its on you to decide what you like.

Generally speaking I think that GLOBO is a very friendly and positive place. There's so much bad in the world, that we could do without too much negative aspects here :-)

Have a great day


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Posted: 2006-01-11 21:47:00   

To take this from a different perspective, some of Vbox's (Veronica) reports on China were somewhat negative - one, on Xian and the clay soldiers, was particularily so - but were fairly well received. Members seemed to appreciate her candor. A couple of people were offended and rated them accordingly. For myself, I worried that the Xian report in particular might jaudice other people's enjoyment of the site or even their desire to go there. That said, I like her style and her reports were very well done. I think there is real value in sharing opinions and room for more than one. This tends to be a pretty open minded crowd!

In re-reading my report of Puerto Vallarta, I was slightly negative about how touristy the destination was. Not my thing and never will be - I only enter a Planet Hollywood or Hard Rock Cafe under great duress. Perhaps the trick is mention what you find distasteful or your reasons for disliking, while acknowledging that some one else may appreciate such and such.


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