Posted: 2005-06-11 18:20:00  
Wow! First impression is great, I like the new horizontal (yellow) menu. This menu was previously white/blank on my PC (lean-HW+AOL) although running the mouse previously across the area, pull-down-menus appeared. I see that the pull-down menus are gone and all that is now in the menu-option "other". That is OK and better than previously.
The Members "Home" should be renamed "Member Home" as not to be confused with the GLOBOsapiens "Home" and start-page/main-page.
For the GLOBO homepage the "24-overview" should be at the BOTTOM of the page and for the "Member Home" near the TOP of the page.
The Search function (since V2) now only finds places, before text was found in the forum too, eventually also in reports/picture-text? This should give options:
1) search for places/countries eg: Russia, London, Vegas, Titicaca, Everest...
2) search for words/text eg: upload, camping, flights, scuba-diving, quality, fares, scanning, digital, premium, fishing, art, monsoon, ruins, waterfall, bridge, field, trees.....
Staff, is the change only that for the format of the GLOBO-mainpage? Or, what should we look for and test? --- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner