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Photo uploading etiquette

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Joined: Mar 06
Points: 2322
Posts: 23

Posted: 2006-07-06 17:34:00   

I may be risking a torrent of indignation by posting this but I'll risk it.

I tend not to log in every day and if I don't do so for 2-3 days there are often a large number of photos waiting to be viewed. Where this number exceeds 50 only the most recent 50 appear in the content changes box, so I feel I could be missing something good - that's my fault I know for not logging in.

But if I view those 50 photos and there are large blocks of say 10-15 photos uploaded by the same member for the same place I get a feeling that it's a bit greedy and impolite. Please be assured that I have no particular member(s) or instances in mind so there's no need for anyone to get defensive, it's just a rather irrational feeling that I get when faced with multiple uploads.

Having not yet purchased a premium membership (I know I should) I am restricted to 10 photos per month and deliberately try not to upload more than 2-3 at any one time. I wonder if my view might change if I were allowed more.

I can fully understand why multiple uploads happen, for one thing it is convenient to do them all at once. Also if someone has been on a recent trip it is nice to publish a slide show along with a report and travel tips.

That reminds me of a discussion about photo quality we had in this forum recently "wanted picture content and ratings" that generated a lot of good comment and ideas. One of the feelings was that if we were able to upload photos directly into a slide show or album then the integrity and manageability of the main picture gallery might improve.

It would also allow a lot more themed or travel log type slide shows to appear without cluttering up the main gallery with what some would consider not to be pure travel photos or those not of great quality.

Does anyone know if that idea is being looked at?

Kind Regards


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Posted: 2006-07-07 00:12:00   

your absolutly right. but no album without uploading pics. i want to show 2-3 pics from norway and an album with 20+-. after uploading all these pics there's no way to delete pics because inside an album. take a look into forum, i know they talked about.

wer sp?ter bremst ist l?nger schnell

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Posted: 2006-07-07 00:13:00   

This has bothered me for years. I wrote in November, see:

...... I described the problem, even gave solutions .......

"SOLUTIONS: What do members and staff think?

S1) create a 7-day (even 28-day) overview ?

S2) expand the viewable 24-overview to unlimited (or 500)items?

S3) expand the viewable "since-last-logon" to 100 (or 200) items?

S4)limiting uploads and entries to 20 pictures/items per day? Brakes :-(

S4) don't do nothin' and hang-out till whenever we all loose interest ~~~~~~ ".......

Since then I found a solution. When logging in,log in ONLY at the main page and a mask will appear showing a summary of ALL changes since your last loggon. Use THOSE links to see new entries, also more than 50. This mask is often lost but notice the URL for new photographs, you can COPY & PASTE to your browser(just clicking on the link here DOES NOT WORK), example:

...where the numbers at the end are a 14-digit date-time group [YEAR+MONTH+DAY+HOUR+MINUTES+SECONDS]

One can copy and paste this URL to the browser command field and change the date to that you last think you reviewed pictures and Voila!

NB: this works (extremely helpful) for reports too, one can for example list all reports in the current monthly too.

Better really would be that staff provide a tool to do this.


[ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2006-07-07 00:29 ]

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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