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Joined: Jun 04
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Posts: 528

Posted: 2006-04-19 21:05:00   

Hi Globies

Here's the solution for those hard cases :-)

If the place exists in the GLOBOsapiens database (you can upload items through the upload city search) you should also be able to enter a travel guide.

If it doesn't work with the explained stuff above here's another possiblity which I worked out just today.

You need to type in the correct adress for the site directly in the adressline window of your browser.

This can be a tricy thing to do, because you need to know how the correct adress line is written.

How to find out?

- Try to find a place near where you want to write about and use the methods explained above.

- delete the original name wich stands right before the .html and off you go.

Please make certain that when you scroll down to the place you want to write about also stands in the text below. You can go to a page of a place wich doesn't exist in the system.

Here the hypothetical example of Berlin Germany.

If you type in Berlin in the Type in your serach you don't get the right page.

If you would go through guides and the map you would get to the right page.

So you decide that Potsdam is very near to Berlin and try potsdam: thats what you get:

If you delete Potsdam and enter Berlin that's where you'll land:

Notice that the text below now says:

Travel guide to

You can change this text and add an introduction on . Help us to build a reliable and interesting travel resource on . Thousands of people around the world are already publishing on our travel community. It's as easy as pie! [edit text]

's travel tips, pictures, advice

The name of the place is missing, something is wrong.

It must be the Bundesland so I change the Brandenburg to Berlin and that's what I get:

There you are...

Hope it helps


[ This Message was edited by: mortimer on 2006-04-19 21:22 ]

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