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GLOBOsapiens intern talk group posting on GLOBOsapiens

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Welcoming new members

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Posted: 2006-02-02 19:48:00   

I think we all agree that it's important for new members to feel welcome. I’m not sure where Rudi suggested that it might be a good idea to have an understanding between the top 100 members on who should welcome whom, but it was definitely his idea and I think it’s worth some more thought. It doesn’t matter who else wants to send extra welcomes – it’s a matter of ensuring that nobody goes without.

My personal feeling is that 100 is too many to organise effectively, although I’m very open to argument. I do think that it might be worth taking soundings on how many of the first hundred would want to be involved in an organised scheme, with a sort of understanding that those of us on the first two pages, who have no other duties, ought not to stay out without good reason. I know it’s easier for me because I’m retired and I don’t mind having a major area – but it would be better for everybody to get a welcome from somebody who knows something about their country.

Any thoughts?


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Posted: 2006-02-02 20:48:00   

We started a thread at but I hope members agree there that it is not Andy's job to welcome members and that as a COMMUNITY all of us should help where and if we possibly can.

David, I like your (many) current welcoming guestbook entries, some with a bit of humour too, see, that’s another way to host, choosing to great also the same age group, wonderful! I don’t think anyone should be given a quota, but that all top members try do just as you and a few others have of "breaking ice" for "new-bees". It is easy to welcome ANY new member, but easier I found if:

- same language/s

- same country or visited country

- same interests (hobbies)

- a suitable profile picture

- newbee immediately uploads travel pics to comment on

- same age group (like GLOBO defines)

Also in "comments" and "signature" one can easily find a talking point or something similar.

There is so much content coming into GLOBO now we often don't get to the bottom of the 24-hour review page where these are, the next day they are gone! So, also, perhaps underneath the feature "Member snaps" in the Main Left Column if we could also have "Newbee snaps" displayed of (say) members joined the last 5 weeks, that would help them get more CONTACT and settled too, or what do other members think?


[ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2006-02-02 20:50 ]

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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Posted: 2006-02-02 21:05:00   

each "new-bee" could get a friendly automatic welcome mail with a short info and the pom. signed by globo and no one has to check new entrys.

maybe !?


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Posted: 2006-02-03 11:12:00   

Thorsten, your idea is where I started on the other thread Rudi mentions and I still think such a greeting would be good and should 'come from' Andy PROVIDED that it really is automatic and easy to set up; otherwise, as I said, forget it.

Rudi, I prefer what you are suggesting now to the quota idea - less formal and less likely to go wrong. The only thing that worries me a bit is the idea of a new member from an area where we are very short on active [or any] members. Perhaps we should add them to yhe categories of people you mention.


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Posted: 2006-02-03 22:55:00   

Hi There

I agree that a welcome message to new members from any one of our active members, sure is a good thing to do. But as the most active members change from week to week (month to month...) we should not try to figure out any particular scenario.

I think by greeting those newbies you are giving a good example to anybody who is surfing the depths of GLOBOsapiens regularly and the ones who feel like it, will follow ;-)

After a certain amount of time of being an active member you get to know those other "GLOBO freaks", their habits, what they like and what they do, where they have been...

Perhaps those that greet people could suggest it to other's who have become more active lately, because they are on friendly terms normally, this should be no problem :-)

Oh, and if this weekly date on the chat will work out in the end, perhaps we even get to know eatch other even better.

Marielle for instance has been a member of GLOBO since april 05, but hasen't been very active untill november, but since then she recently is on the top 3 weekly list :-) so would a welcome message have helped her start earlier?

I think the best we can do is support members that actually post content and make them continue with their work. Give nice and friendly comments with lots of applause, this will make others try to get the same attention and start uploading!

Just my 2 cts

Have a great day


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Posted: 2006-02-04 18:43:00   

Hi Seniors

I just posted an advert here and found a similar topic...

You might be interested to read it here:

Have a great day


Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!

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