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What kind of people are travelling?

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Joined: Feb 06
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Posts: 8

Posted: 2006-04-07 21:06:00   

With reference to my comment on the lack of openness for other kinds of travellers I sensed in the comments about Lund, here's a list of different sort of travellers:

- Sunseekers: interested in beaches and climate

- Partyseekers: interested in nightlife and clubbing

- Pilgrims: interested in churches and relics

- Eaters and drinkers: interested in food, wine, beer and liquor

- Footballigans: interested in beer, woman and stadiums

- Cultural tourists: interested in conserts, plays, opera or musicals

- Open air freaks: interested in hiking trails and summits

- Adventurers: interested in anything highest, fastest and biggest

- Student and studinas: Interested i part time jobs, campus and language

- Alternative lifestylers: interested in hair dressers, used clothing outlets and churchyards

Do we really have room for all these interests in Globo? Something to think about when you give a rating or comment. Do not judge anyone because they like something different than you! :-)

A travellers mind is supposed to be open for new impulses.

Just a few words before going out with some friends!

Your friend terje


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Joined: Dec 05
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Posted: 2006-04-08 12:21:00   


Well say, I am agree with you

Lots of destination offers differrent taste, my friend might like to go party in Ibiza, and I won t like it. I love to go trekking in Peru she will hate for ever if I take her. Photos should be judge according to the guidlines set up in the previous forum, not to the personal liking.

I hope that globosapiens suits the taste of everybody, as a traveller we are supposed to have an opend mind and be more tolerrant toward other cultures and "the way we do things around here".

If you like for example snow, churches and not beach holiday, but someone doesnt like snow, so what, if your picture is travel related it should be rating accordingly. even if the other person does not like your type of holiday.

Take care

Isabelle ( I am an adventurer tourist by the way..)

"It is far more better to have seen it once than to have heard about it a thousand time." Mongolian proverb

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Posted: 2006-04-08 17:45:00   

Personally, I am driven by my curiousity and interest in historical events, so I love going to places with historical signifcance (Kyoto, D-Day beaches, Mesa Verde, etc).

I know that when I get to go to Cancun (next year hopefully), I plan on taking the bus to see Tikal and Copan, as well as Chitzen Itza. I have very little desire to go bar hopping and roast myself on a beach. Personally, if I don't spend a single day on the beach, I'll probably be happier for it.

I don't fit into any of those categories, Terje, but I do understand where you are coming from. That's one reason why I love Globo, because I get to see interesting things from very different perspectives. While I would never spend a year or so partying in off-the-beaten path cities in china, VBX did and her rpeorts were great! Some of MY favourite pictures are rated poorly, but that doesn't make them any less special to me. Same goes with my reports, some people liked and some didn't. I just try to put forth the best I can and hope members like it.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." – Mark Twain

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Posted: 2006-04-08 18:02:00   

For the comments in the 'Lund' report I see no problem at all - normal!

I am a 'maniac traveller' and can't realy put myself into any of the categories above but sometimes 'adventurous' or once 'pilgramage'. I travel to feel:

- the thrill of transportation, others shiver when the ferry/flight gets bumpy

- the exitement of being in a totaly strange place

- getting close to other people of different creeds

- feeling and seeing something new

- experiencing things that most will never can or will

- exploring like the pioneers did

- a change of climate, extreme better

Perhaps that is why I like reports and pictures from remote places better but also unique and special captures of everyday western life too.

Have new members read?

We are all very different therefore rate differently, a good average rating and opinion counts most, even that changes with time, see views and rating three years ago at GLOBO! :-)


[ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2006-04-08 18:19 ]

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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