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Photo album by gloriajames: Mt Sinai & St Catherine's Monastery

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Mt Sinai & St Catherine's Monastery

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Mar 2005

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album of the month contest Truly a significant and important place for any christians. Known affectionately as Holy Land by the Egyptians, this was where the Holy Family lived when they escaped to Sinai. Going back to the Old Testament time, this was where GOD spoke to Moses (ie burning bush) and where Moses received the 10 commandments when he climbed Mt Sinai. Hence, many pilgrims do the climb known as the Stairways of Repentence on the 2,285 metres high Mt Sinai (known also as Mt Moses). St Catherine's Monastery is the oldest christian monastery and is run by Greek Orthodox Church and houses an extensive collections of early icons and manuscripts. Why is it called St Catherine's Monastery? This was dedicated to St Catherine who died about 305 AD, after a monk had a vision of the saint's body being intact at the summit of a mountain.

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