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Pushkar travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Pushkar, India!

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Travel guide to Pushkar
Camel cart with a very full load!
Camel cart with a very full load!
Pushkar sits in a valley surrounded by lush hill sides, and adorned with nearly 400 temples. A small town, most come here to pay respects to the Brahma in the world's only Temple dedicated to this Lord. A Kharma ritual takes you through a narrow but charming Bazaar to an elevated Temple. Buy flowers from a Temple student at the base of the stairs, scamper up and enter a small shrine where a Priest will take your flowers, mix them in and give you a handful back. Breathe in as the heavy incense and floral fragrance mix (only after your flowers have been blessed). A Temple student will gladly show you around, taking you downstairs to another shrine and upstairs to a fabulous rooftop view, for a scant 50 Rupee tip. Now take your flowers down to one of the side Ghats off the Bazaar; a Brahma will assist you with prayers and you can throw the flowers in. Hikes up to several hilltop Monastries offer splendid views of this magnificent valley! [edit text]  [editors]

Pushkar's travel tips, pictures, advice

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Travel reports on Pushkar

Author Rating Date
Pushkar the Holy City 
Pushkar,  India 
danilbruce  rating  2004-07-23
Pushkar -- a city around the lake 
Pushkar,  India 
braidedsoul  rating  2005-06-08

Travel tips on Pushkar

picture place / location rating / by member
Jagat Singh Palace

Jagat Singh Palace

India - Pushkar eirekay

Pushkar Palace Hotel

India - Pushkar markop

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