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Downhill Madness

information about bolivia  La Paz - Bolivia, La Paz

They are sooo great. Actually I wanted to do the bikeride but when they presented me their eco lodge progrmas - FANTASTIC!! I had the very best trip in bolivia with them - beginning with the chicks in the office to the awesome funny guides - the absolut fantastic equipment, they have the best rocky mountain bikes from Canada, to the fantastic eco lodge in the middle of the jungle. I did with some others the rafting trip and the flying fox .... some of us enjoyed the nature that we decided to stay there longer and just relax a bit ... we were also suprised what diversity of waterfalls, plants and animals there are ... not talking about the fresh tropical fruits which we just graped from the trees - there I have seen also my first coffe plant and how the plant of the famous coca leaf looks like. I loved it!

Address: Sagarnaga Street 339
La Paz
La Paz
Phone: + 00591.2.312628
Price: budget

ingma 's travel tips
    La Paz (2)
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