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7 Reasons to Visit Iran

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Joined: Jan 08
Points: 144
Posts: 2

Posted: 2010-04-10 08:20:00   

1. All climates in one place
One of the amazing features of Iran is its diverse climate. Iran is a four season country, so you will find all kind of climates in the same time in different regions of country. In winter, southern parts of Iran and coasts of Persian Gulf have nice weather. In summer and hot seasons, Northern provinces and mountain areas have a cold weather.

2. Hospitable people
The reality is that, Iranians are very hospitable people and they are eager to help others, especially foreign travelers and tourists. If during your journey in Iran you faced with any problem, don't hesitate to approach people and ask for help. Not all Iranians know English, but they will try to help you.

3. Country of ancient civilization and culture
Iran has one of the oldest civilizations and cultures in the world. Visiting Iran's historical sites means getting familiar with mankind's history. From ruins of Persepolis of great empire of Achaemenian to architecture and Islamic art in Esfahan, from literature and poems of brilliant writers and poets, from Mesopotamian temple of Chogha-Zanbil around Biblical city of Susa and the watermills in ancient city of Shushtar to Zoroastrian sites in central regions of Iran, everywhere you will see depth and richness of Iranian heritage.

4. Iran Wonders
Iran's natural and historical attractions appeal many visitors from all around the world. These include natural sights like hot deserts in central and eastern regions of Iran, huge mountains of Zagros in the west, glorious Damavand Peak in the north, unique Alisadr water cave in Hamedan,amazing Shewi waterfalls in Khuzestan, and Hara marine forests near the island of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf, or historical heritages like eye-catching museums of Sad-Abad in Tehran, Islamic architecture in famous mosques of Esfahan, Old bazaar of Tabriz,beautiful Masouleh, and hundreds of other places, that attract thousands of visitors each year.

5. Iran is a vast country
Iran is one of the biggest countries in the Middle East. This region recognized as one of the famous centers of ancient civilizations. vastness of Iran causes a wide variety in weather, local cultures, and mood in different historical or natural destinations you see. So, Iran is a great option for tourists.

6. Economy Travel
Iran is so wide that you should devote enough time (at least few weeks) to see all interesting places in country. Thus, the expenses could be important factor. But you can enjoy a quality vacation with reasonable budget during your journey because costs are considerably lower than many other countries in the region and throughout the world.

7. Delicious Food
If you are interested in tasty and delicious foods, Iran is right place for you! Iran is located at junction of 3 continents , so it has foods of different cultures and countries. In main big cities of Iran not only you will enjoy local tastes, but also international quality foods.

By John Boghosian

Iran, the ancient Persia is still pearl of Asia !

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Joined: Dec 04
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Posted: 2010-04-10 18:31:00   

I should love to visit Iran but I am not likely to do so. I have an implanted defibrillator/cardioverter and Tehran is the only city where a hospital has facilities for it. I should be in real trouble if anything went wrong anywhere else and it is such a big country.

However that wil not stop me looking at messages from Iranian members here.

Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.

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