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Bangui Windmills's by jazzy_teri

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information about philippines  LaoagPhilippines, Laoag
From Laoag, take the Laoag - Cagayan route. About 5 minutes after Burgos town proper, a directional marker on the left side of the road will lead you to Bangui bay, which is the host of the wind turbines. This will lead you to a gravel road with a downward slope going down to the beach. Right after the first turn, you will already be awed by the sight of the wind mills, follow the road and make a right turn upon entering the beach.
Uploaded: Nov, 03 2008 | Taken: Oct, 31 2008| Viewed: 93 times  | 2 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot A300 | Exposure 1/640s, f5.0 | FLength: 5mm

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