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2 – Torre de El Salvador's by jorgesanchez

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information about spain  TeruelSpain
Saint Saviour Tower.
Look at the beauty of the Mudejar style of architecture, unique in Spain.
When the Inquisition reached Spain (what happened several centuries later than in France and in England), our Kings were compelled to expel the Jews and Muslims (as French and English did before the Spaniards). Many Muslims did not want to leave a paradise such as Spain to return to the Sahara desert, so they changed their faith and became Christians. Among them there were many architects, and grateful for having being allowed to remain in Spain, they created this exquisite architectural style, mixing Muslim motives with Christian ones in a perfect symbiosis.
Apart from Teruel and the whole of Aragon, you will find many Mudejar constructions in Andalucia.
All our arenas for the bull fighting corridas are made observing this style of architecture.
Uploaded: Feb, 28 2009 | Taken: Nov, 07 2008| Viewed: 58 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/1045s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

porto - Feb, 28 2009 09:02am
Again Jorge,Excellent pic.

jacko1 - Feb, 28 2009 09:02am
I applaud you Jorge for your, as always, detailed and interesting commentary.

jorgesanchez - Feb, 28 2009 12:02pm
Fred, Toni: I hope that my pictures encouraged you to visit Teruel!

porto - Feb, 28 2009 05:02pm
Maybe someday Jorge....

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