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Mamluks sad song's by jorgesanchez

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information about georgia  GoriGeorgia
This man is Vahtang (and his wife). He rules a cheap hostel in Gori. Every night (after some cups of vodka), he plays the accordion, and the last song is always devoted to the Georgian children kidnapped by slave traders in criminal raids, and sold, first to the Abbasid Caliphs in Baghdad, and later to the Sultan of Egypt, to be trained as slaves soldiers.
Many thousands of children during centuries were kidnapped in Slav countries (Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine) and in the Black Sea coast: Georgia, Armenia, Abkhazia, Turkey.
Genovese merchants were in charge to execute the execrable business to sell them to the Egyptian.

In 2008 we celebrate in Spain 200 years of the French invaders expulsion who, under Napoleon, used mamluks to subjugate our people. There is a touching Goya painting in the Museo del Prado, called Dos de Mayo, representing the moment when one of our heroes kills a mamluk in Madrid, the 2nd of May 1808. That is why every second of May there is a festivity in Madrid.
Uploaded: Jan, 03 2008 | Taken: Oct, 01 2007| Viewed: 34 times  | 1 vote

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