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My dormitory under the stars's by jorgesanchez

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information about greece  VathiGreece, Kefallinía
I spent the previous night in that wooden bench.
Uploaded: Jun, 30 2009 | Taken: Jun, 08 2008| Viewed: 24 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/5500s, ISO 50 | FLength: 6mm | SW: E5600v1.0

szidonia - Jul, 01 2009 04:07am
wow, you are like birds, God must love and care for you a lot... hope you had a warm sleeping bag :)

jacko1 - Jul, 01 2009 08:07am
A very small world Jorge! my wife and I spent a pleasant afternoon on this very same bench enjoying a bottle wine and a picnic about 3 years ago, nice memory thank you.

jorgesanchez - Jul, 01 2009 02:07pm
Szidonia: I had a sleeping bag, but it was not cold that night. I remember the gentle breeze and the starring sky. Lovely!

eirekay - Jul, 01 2009 09:07pm
Jorge, I will continue to live vicariously through you!

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