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The suspending bridge working's by jorgesanchez

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information about spain  BilbaoSpain
I crossed twice the river Nervion, just to feel the experience of this transport.
Uploaded: Apr, 30 2010 | Taken: Apr, 06 2010| Viewed: 21 times  | 3 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/5010s, ISO 50 | FLength: 6mm | SW: E5600v1.0

pesu - May, 01 2010 03:05am
Is it like a 'flying ferry'?

jorgesanchez - May, 01 2010 05:05am
Petra, you feel like floating when crossing the river on board that suspending bridge. It is located near Bilbao downtown. I took the Metro to get there. That Bilbao area is nice and there are many bars where you can enjoy tapas with a glass of good chacoli wine.

pesu - May, 01 2010 06:05am
That really sounds inviting! ;-) And I would also love to see Gehry's Guggenheim museum and the Museo de Bellas Artes (as you proposed)... Btw, is your new book published yet?

jorgesanchez - May, 01 2010 05:05pm
Petra: yes, thanks. I wrote The Road of Bones. It was published on St George (23 april), so now that I got some money in author's rights I will be able to travel somewhere this summer, perhaps to Midway island. I have already booked a plane ticket for june.

pesu - May, 02 2010 05:05pm
Congrats, Jorge! Sorry I can't read your books. Good luck for your travel plans.

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