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Photo album by jorgesanchez: A memorable journey to the Antarctic Islands

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A memorable journey to the Antarctic Islands

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From 18th August to 15th September 2005 I made an unforgettable trip. I sailed from the Island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean, on board the scientific ship MARION DUFRESNE, and navigated to the French Austral and Antarctic Islands of Crozet, Kerguelen, Saint Paul and Amsterdam. I saw innumerable seals, several sorts of penguins, from Macaroni to Royal, 1 sea leopard, hundreds of sea elephants, a few orcas, the back of one whale, and thousands of birds. I have finally edited this album owing to the kind insistence of gloriajames in doing it, because she loves this picture of the seal baby sleeping with the mother. So it is dedicated to her. I wish you a pleasant time watching this slide show.

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