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Photo album by jorgesanchez: El Camino de Santiago

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El Camino de Santiago

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There are many Caminos to Santiago, the most popular, especially among foreigners, is the Frances (French), crossing the Pyrenees. The Camino that I just made (January/February 2008), from Salamanca to Santiago (about 500 kilometres), is called Mozarabe, or Ruta de la Plata. The Camino de Santiago is a unique experience in a lifetime. The Camino is spirituality, is art, is health, is an approach to your inner self… The Camino is not only the paths, rivers and mountains that you traverse, walking, but also the nature, the local people that you meet, the artistic monuments, the churches, the gastronomy, the other pilgrims… A Christian making the Camino to Santiago is like a Muslim making the Hajj. But you do not need to be a religious person to make the Camino; many make it just for sporting reasons, for fun, to enjoy the nature, for visiting the artistic monuments, and even many make the Camino as tourists… But only the pure pilgrim makes it looking for the meaning of life. No words can convey the experience of the Camino. I hope that these pictures will inspire you to make the Camino one day.

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