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A fragment of Italy in Switzerland

information about italy  Campione d'Italia - Italy

Campione d’Italia is a tiny Italian town into Switzerland territory in front of Lugano, in the lake of the same name. It was given to the Bishop of Milan and thus it avoided to be annexed by the new formed Switzerland
You can get there by ferry from Lugano, in the Swiss canton Ticcino, or by train and then walking a few hundred metres.

I walked around the narrow streets. It reminded me Büsingen (a German enclave also in Switzerland). There is a free minibus which will take you around the mountainous village.
The casino, dated from 1917, is a must to visit. I spent a whole night there. The entrance is free. Inside you have sandwiches and drinks for free all the night long.

You do not have to play if you do not like. You just watch the TV and eat and drink free canapés and drinks without coercion.

I enjoyed more this casino in Campione d’Italia than those of Atlantic City in New Jersey (USA), or the one in Sun City, near Johannesburg (South Africa).

Faites vos jeux!

Address: in front of Lugano
Campione d'Italia

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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