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Debre Damos

information about ethiopia  Axum - Ethiopia

Debre Damos is an amazing monastery forbidden to women and female animals. Men are not allowed if they have had sexual intercourse during the previous 48 hours. It was founded in the XIII century, in the place of a previous monastery dating from the sixth century.

Once you arrive to the area you have to walk some hundreds metres and then you still have to climb about 15 metres through a rope to get up to the top of a plateau. Monks over 60 years old are so agile and have so much experience that they climb the huge mountain easily.

In the whole monastery area live about 200 Coptic monks, many of them have not descended to the ground floor for years. They will ask you a contribution of a few birrs for the visit and will offer you beer without alcohol. You have to take off your shoes to enter the monastery.

The scenery is wonderful, much spectacular then in Debre Lebanos Monastery (in the way between Addis Abbaba and Bahar Dar). You will be at about 2800 metres altitude.

Address: by car from Axum

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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