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Experiencing life in a Kibbutz

information about israel  Mefallesim - Israel

Kibbutz Mefalsim, or Mefallesim, is located at 10 kilometres from Ghazzah.

They will offer you a job in a homely and pleasant atmosphere (I was gardener). In exchange for that you will not receive any salary, just some pocket money, but everything in the Kibbutz is free, food, tennis and swimming pool facilities, shampoo, soap, 2 days excursions every week to places, such as the fortress of Masada, diving in Eilat or to the hidden Saint Georges Greek Monastery, in a canyon between Jerusalem and Jericho.
All the Kibbutzim have an apartment in Tel Aviv where you can sleep, and cars at your disposition. One night that we prepared a bonfire in the beaches of Ashquelon for a party, when we got tired I phoned the kibbutz and they sent us one car to pick us up.
In Mefallesim there were falashas from Ethiopia, Sefaradi speaking old Spanish, Russians from Siberia, Argentineans, Mexican and Brazilians Jews, so, I did not learn much of Hebrew language, but the experience was unforgetable.

Address: near Ghazzah

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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