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Hippies’ hideaway

information about kenya  Lamu - Kenya, Coast

Lamu Island was a famous hideaway place in the hippies’ times and still today keeps its charm. It is an oasis of peace and much better than Zanzibar (but not as good as the microscopic Mozambique Island) to spend some quiet days, especially if you have been travelling overland through Africa for a long time, as it was my case.
To get there will take you two or three days overland from Nairobi. First you arrive by train to Mombassa, and then you have to arrange occasionally trucks and boats avoiding the Somali bandits.
Many travellers fly to Lamu but in this case you will lose the adventure of the journey and will not appreciate the island properly. I preferred to risk getting there overland.

At the port of Lamu many children speaking Swahili will be waiting for your arrival to offer you cheap rooms and restaurants. You can go with them or try some luxurious recent built hotels.
There is no delinquency and no hassles in Lamu Island. Everybody smiles at you.

Address: Lamu Island
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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