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Kathmandu Guest House

information about nepal  Kathmandu - Nepal

It is a real pleasure to recommend this very lovely guesthouse in the heart of Kathmandu, in the area where they sell tanka and all kind of handicrafts.
You can get a spartan room in hostels around Thamel area for even 3 US Dollars, but nothing to compare with the magnificent Kathmandu Guest House. There are rooms much more expensive, but they always offer a few rooms at backpackers’ pocket (I paid 12 US Dollars in the year 2005 for a superb single room on the first floor, with old style bath, wooden parquet, and XIX century furniture). Inside you will feel the atmosphere of mythical alpinists who before climbing the Everest spent the night in that guest house.
The cafeteria is in the patio, in front of the reception.

Address: Thamel area, Kathmandu

Phone: + (++977 1) 470 06 32 / 470 07 33
Price: budget

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