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Launching the Ariane and Alfred Dreifus

Two most rewarding visits in French Guyana are located in Kourou, at about 50 kilometres from Cayenne.
The first night I was so lucky to watch the launching of an Ariane rocket. Some spectators who had been in Cabo Canaveral, USA, told me that the rocket launching in Cayenne was much better organized.

Next day I took a boat in Kourou port and visited Royale Island during a few hours. Royale forms part of the archipelago called Devil Islands (Royale, Saint Joseph and Diable), or Iles du Salut in French, and belong to the French Army.
In the Devil Islands there were three kinds of prisoners: the ordinary delinquents, who could work, the political prisoners (like the famous Alfred Dreifus), who had a relatively freedom of movements in the island, and the criminals (like Papillon), who were punished with forced labour.

Although the islands are beautiful, the thought that in them lived and died many people suffering, gave me a feeling of uncomforting.

Address: Kourou
French Guiana
French Guiana
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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