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Lotus temple

information about india  New Delhi - India, Delhi

This stunning temple has become another symbol of New Delhi.
It is one of the seven Bahai temples scattered around the world (the other six being located in Uganda, Germany, Western Samoa, Panama, Australia and USA), but, in my opinion (and I have visited all of them because they offer free accommodation and food for travellers), this one in Delhi is the most aesthetic of all.
It has the form of a lotus with nine leaves made on white marble (somehow its form reminded me the Opera House, in Sydney). Every leaf represents one of the nine religions in the world, according to the Bahai criteria. The entrance is free. You have to take your shoes off and soon a member of this relatively new religion (XIX century) will enter into conversation with you and will show you around. The part dedicated to the history of this faith is very instructive, as well as the pictures showing how the construction started.

Address: Kalkaji district
New Delhi
Phone: + 91-11 647-0526
Price: budget

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