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Mahkota Hotel and free coconuts

It is not easy to visit East Timor overland. From Kupang, in the Indonesian side of the island of Timor you can take buses to Dili stopping along the way. Timor is a long island. The first day I only could arrive to a separated fragment of East Timor called Ocussi, although in some parts I read Oekusi, and Oe-Cusse, or Ocussi Ambeno. There I slept in the cheap hostel Aneka Jaya, almost for free, ruled by Chinese speaking Portuguese, and I was invited to drink Portuguese Vinho Verde very fresh in exchange for a short lesson of Portuguese language to my host children.

Next day I continued my journey and after crossing two borders arrived late in the night at Dili, the capital of East Timor. Noticing that the hotels were expensive, especially the Mahkota Timor, I resolved to sleep in the beautiful white sandy beaches, under a coconut, relaxing with the pleasurable sound of the waves. In the morning I climbed the tree and had a coconut for breakfast.

Address: downtown
Timor Timur
East Timor
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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