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Mariachis in the Mexican Venice

information about mexico  Xochimilco - Mexico, Distrito Federal

Xochimilco constitutes a lovely one day excursion from Mexico DF, at just 20 kilometres, to the South. You can accede there by train.

Xochimilco means “place sowed with flowers”, and consists in a tourist centre very popular with Mexicans who go mainly on Sundays. It is like a Mexican version of Venice. There are canals covered with lily flowers and a Spanish Church from the XVI century, floating gardens, colourful canoes and small wooden boats called chalupas with groups of Mariachis musicians who will interpret for you songs such as “Si Adelita se fuera con otro”, “Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores”, or Jorge Negrete famous themes.

You have to spend the whole day navigating in that lovely place and buy Tacos al Pastor, Enchiladas, Sopa Birria, Frijolitos Refritos, and other delicious meals.

Buen provecho!

Address: in Xochimilco
Distrito Federal
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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