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Miskito Indian paradise

information about nicaragua  Corn Island - Nicaragua, Zelaya

In order to get to the paradisiacal Corn Islands (there are two, Small Corn Island and Great Corn Island), you have two ways: flying (less than one hour from Managua and 30 minutes from Bluefields), or the most interesting and exotic way: overland and oversea (which was what I did). First, from Managua you go by bus to Rama, in the middle of the jungle, and sleep there because you will arrive in the night. Next day take a lovely boat to Bluefields through the river Escondido and rest a couple of days because the place is idyllic. In Bluefields live mostly Blacks, Miskitos and Chinese.

The Atlantic from Panama to Belize is Miskitia, and people there are a mixture of Blacks from African and Miskitoes. They speak Spanish and English.
The boat to Corn Island (about 80 kilometres away) will take you several hours and pray that there will not be too many waves. In Corn Islands there are bungalows to sleep and people sell coral souvenirs, bracelets, and lobsters are very cheap.

Address: Isla del Maiz
Corn Island
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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