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Monastery of Rila

information about bulgaria  Rilski Manastir - Bulgaria

One of the places that I liked most in Bulgaria was the Monastery of Rila (Rilski Manastir), founded in the IX century, which looks like a fortress and is surrounded by the Rila River and the Rila Mountains, with its highest peak Musala (2925 metres). This monastery is active and is very dear to the Bulgarians because during the Turkish occupation it preserved the arts and culture of Bulgaria. It is considered the cradle of Bulgarian nationalism. Today is declared a World Patrimony by UNESCO.

Other places related to Rila that you should not miss in this small lovely country are two more UNESCO wonders: the Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo, and the Boyana Church, with its fantastic frescoes.

From Sofia you can get very easily to these places, and also take the opportunity to admire the Cathedral Alexander Nevsky, containing a gallery and a museum commemorating the 200.000 Russians who lost their lives in 1877-78 while expelling the Turks from Bulgaria.

Address: within the Monastery
Rilski Manastir

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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