Niah caves |
These caves are located in a National Park in Sarawak, a state of Malaysia, in the island of Borneo.
The dayak tribes live near this cave in their longhouses where you get through long wooden paths.
There are also Chinese everywhere selling cheap meals and things.
In the roof of this tremendous grotto the swifts (they looks like swallows) deposit their dirt that the locals collect with fruition to produce their medicines to sell to the Chinese, who adore that stuff and even prepare with it their famous delicatessen: the Bird’s Nest Soups, that they eat with great joy.
I made friendship with one of the Chinese collector of bat guano and swift nests with a handkerchief covering his nose for the strong smell of the swallows’ filth, if he believed in that medicine and cooked his soup with that kind of dirt, and he answered me:
“Are you crazy? I buy my medicines in the pharmacy and prepare soup with German Knorr bags that I buy in the Chinese shops!”

jorgesanchez 's travel tips |