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Panorama Museum

information about ukraine  Sevastopol' - Ukraine, Misto Sevastopol'

You can get to Sevastopol by train from lovely Kiev to Simferopol and then by “elektrichki”. The town has a circular museum called Panorama explaining the history of the Crimean War during 1854 - 56 and a huge statue of soldiers facing the Black Sea dedicated to their heroes, because Sevastopol is one of the City Heroes of the old Soviet Union.
In the walls of the streets you can read in Russian phrases such as: “Crimea is Russian”, or: “Crimea is for the Tartars, Russians go home”.

The fact is that Russians, under Catherine the Great, conquered this region to the Tartars in 1783 and belonged to Russia until 1954, when it was given for administrations purposes to Ukraine by Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev, who was a Ukrainian born near Kiev. This gift and the fact that most of the Crimea population is composed by Russians (who in the past lost many lives during the wars in that peninsula) have created tensions between the two countries: Ukraine and Russia.

Address: Dountown
Misto Sevastopol'
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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