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Pulemelei pyramid

information about samoa  Tuasivi - Samoa

Talking with my Polynesian friends in Apia I learnt of the existence of a hidden pyramid, called Pulemelei, in the island of Savaii, which is considered the legendary Havaika, ancient cultural and religious centre of the Polynesians.

I then catch a boat to the neighbour island and hitchhiked. A horseman took me in his horse’s hindquarters and let me in a coconut plantation called Letolo. There I tried in vain to find the pyramid among the thousands of trees and the labyrinth paths crammed with impenetrable underbrush. Finally I saw in the distance another horseman and asked him for help. He brought me there.

I saw then an incredible huge pyramid covered by brush grass. It was a ceremonial centre and I distinguished the seats for the Notables. It was higher than any Marae in French Polynesia or the Haamonga Trilithon in Tonga.

The horseman, surprised for my interest, invited me to spend that night in his mansion. I willingly accepted. He was the owner of Letolo Plantation!

Address: in Savaii island

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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