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Pygmies in the Mountains of the Moon

information about uganda  Bundibugyo - Uganda

The visit that I enjoyed most in Uganda was the one that I made to the Rwenzori Mountains, known in the past as the Mountains of the Moon.

First I took a transport from Kampala to Kasese, afterward I continued until Fort Portland, then I crossed a bridge over the waters that communicate the lakes George with Edward, and there I made friendship with a small group of English travellers who were heading to the river Semiliki, at the border with ex-Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) with a land rover. After agreeing to share the expenses I joined them to visit the pygmies in the village of Bundibugyo.
There were about 60 of them, almost naked, even we saw women carrying children. The first words that they learn in English are: give me money, give me money… that is why we called them givemies, instead of pygmies.

Just outside Kampala, in Kikaya hill, there is a Bahai temple that invite the people to spend the night in their premises, what I did, being very short of money.

Address: Bubdibugyo village

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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