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Refugio Ave Fénix

information about spain  Villafranca del Bierzo - Spain

This a shelter ruled by a charming family that has a long tradition to help pilgrims. Jesus is the owner and has therapeutic power in his hands. He also knows all the secret of the plants.
I arrived to this shelter with pain in my left leg that made me walk very slowly. Jesus then prepared a potion with plants, and next day I could run again!
The shelter itself is very spartan, but the humane quality of Jesus and his wife compensate for everything. They serve delicious Castilian consistent dinners at good prices, and even will invite you if you do not have money (many pilgrims make the Camino without a single euro).

Address: c/ Santiago s/n
Villafranca del Bierzo

Phone: + 987 54 02 29
Price: budget

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