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Tamada ceremony

information about georgia  Sukhumi - Georgia

If Georgian friends invite you to drink wine, you MUST accept! If you refuse they will take it as a serious offence.
Wine is considered a national treasure by the Georgians, and I must say that I agree because Georgian wines are of the most delicious of the world. People have their wines buried in kind of wells, buried beneath their houses, to preserve its excellent fresh taste.

It is a tradition to say a toast before drinking, and for that there is always a tamada, an expert in saying beautiful and hilarious toasts.

A few years ago I won a wine championship in the Georgian town of Sukhumi, Abkhazia, in the Black Sea, where I was officially declared a tamada, of which title I am very proud. The participants were about twenty men, all Russians, but I beat them all.

A very popular Georgian toast is: My father wished to buy a house, but had not the means. My father did not wish to buy a goat, but had the means. Let us then drink with the aim that the wishes match the means!

Address: in downtown

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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