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The old Konigsberg

information about russia  Kaliningrad - Russia, Kaliningradskaya Oblast'

Kaliningrad does not look Russian. Even the time there is not Moscow time, but East European time.
I was in Saint Petersburg with only 200 US dollars left. Not enough to go back to Spain, even by bus. Then I flew to Kaliningrad for only 100 US dollars, being a local destination, I spent 10 more US dollars for a night bus to Warsaw, and I still had money for food during the two days that I hitchhiked to Spain.

Present Kaliningrad was founded in the XIII century by the Teutonic Order as Konigsberg, but in 1945 its control passed to USSR, and 1 year later the name was changed to Kaliningrad.
Walking during a whole day I saw a German castle, the cathedral from the XIV century, ruins of walls and modern soviet monuments. That day I learnt that the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant was born there and taught in Konigsberg University.
The night when I left to Poland, I was the only foreigner in the bus. All passengers were Russian businessmen who wanted to buy polish sausages in Warsawa.

Address: Kaliningrad
Kaliningradskaya Oblast'
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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