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The Sovereign & Military Order of Malta

information about italy  Rome - Italy, Lazio

The Sovereign and Military Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, Malta and Rhodes, or in short: Order of Malta, is a very historic country, one of the most important and influential a few centuries ago that today is recognized by 92 states around the World with which maintains diplomatic relations (and is a Permanent Observer in the United Nations), but after loosing all its territories, presently has only two buildings in the centre of Rome. They are in Via Condotti 68, Rome, a few steps away from the nice and famous Piazza di Spagna. There they have a hospital and a shop where they sell stamps, coins and other small souvenirs.

Their citizens form part of a Religious and Chivalry Order, and their activities can be compared with those of the Red Cross because they help the refugees and the poor. Apart from coins and stamps, they issue passport to their citizens. Spanish King Juan Carlos I, who was born in Rome, is a citizen of this mini state.

Address: Via Condotti 68, Rome
Phone: + 39.06.67581
Price: budget

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