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Almaty travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Almaty, Kazakhstan!

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Travel guide to Almaty
Almaty - Zenkov Cathedral 2
Almaty - Zenkov Cathedral 2
Almaty was Kazakhstan's capital for most of the 20th century. As soon as Astana was took over, Almaty has been loosing its charm, but the prices remained very, very high. It is modern city full of trees and parks, and its location is truly dramatic. The high, permanently snow capped mountains rising immediately from the city southern limits, make an incredible backdrop. The city was completely destroyed by a massive earthquake in 1911 and very few buildings survived. But the most colourful church in the country, Zenkov Cathedral, escaped unscattered, too. There is not much to see in the city otherwise. One can escape to the Big Almaty Lake and the Big Almaty River Valley in the mountains, or just stroll along one pedestrianised street lined with shopping centres and a few cafes. Int he southern parts, called Upper Town, a new steel & glass financial district. Almaty are well connected with the region by air, rail and road. [edit text]  [editors]

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Travel reports on Almaty

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Almaty. A faded former capital of Kazakhstan. 
Almaty,  Kazakhstan 
krisek  rating  2008-10-12
Mountains, Marijuana fields & Mafia all together! 
Almaty,  Kazakhstan 
joaoleitao  rating  2005-11-14

Travel tips on Almaty

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Kazakhstan - Almaty carlagama

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