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Flam Camping og Vandrerhjem

Flåm Camping is very well kept and the family that owns it is very kind! You can choose from a single bed booking, to a small cabin (4-5 beds), large cabin (5 beds), RV space, or tent space. It is situated a 5 minute walk from town, enough so that you don't get a throng of tourists in your back yard! Since the Coop (supermarket) is only open until 6pm and closed on sundays, Flåm Camping offers a small selection of food for purchase at the main desk (ice cream, chips, bread, honey etc). This is very convenient, especially for those of us who are used to the supermarket being open until 10pm at night! The toilets, showers (10nok/5min if you cant stand a cold shower), and dish washing room is also kept very clean. Laundry is also available. The prices are among the cheapest I found in Norway: the price of a single bed is the same as four people would each pay to share a small cabin amongst themselves (about 125nok each)!

Address: N-5743 Flåm
Sogn og Fjordane
Phone: + 57632121
Price: budget

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