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shahrestan bridge 2's by leillli

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information about iran  EsfahanIran, E¶fahån
one of the oldest bridge in esfahan
Uploaded: Apr, 30 2006 | Taken: Apr, 30 2006| Viewed: 92 times  | 17 votes

bertison - Apr, 30 2006 01:04pm
well composed, thanks for all of these impressions of your country.

farnaz - Apr, 30 2006 03:04pm
wow..really beautiful picture leili..thanks for sahring it

rangutan - May, 01 2006 03:05pm
Leili, wonderfully captured. The soft reflection gives a peaceful mood to the scene....

madness - Aug, 14 2006 06:08pm
great picture, I liked the reflection and the architecture of the bridge, keep it up...

shervin19 - Apr, 19 2007 04:04am
This a very unique picture.

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