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Machu Picchu City in Peru's by lemasterpiec

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information about peru  Machu PicchuPeru, Cusco
I cannot tell you how amazing this place is. You can feel yesteryear's soul of the city as you enter it. And after being abandoned over 400 years ago, there is still a working sewage and water system in this amazing mountain-top city to this day! Fantastic hike, fantastic views and the people of Peru were wonderful. This is a bucket-list trip for sure
Uploaded: Sep, 16 2009 | Taken: Nov, 30 2008| Viewed: 56 times  | 8 votes

pesu - Sep, 16 2009 08:09am
A wonderful picture of a place I dream to go to....

porto - Sep, 16 2009 11:09am
Yes,nice capture indeed.

mistybleu - Sep, 21 2009 12:09pm
Great picture and stunning view.

sujoy - Apr, 14 2010 07:04am
Great snap. hats off to u.

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