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Aerial desert views's by mistybleu

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information about afghanistan  KabulAfghanistan, Kåbol
My bit of fun; more like a luna landscape, aerial shot of Afghanistan.
Uploaded: Mar, 01 2008 | Taken: Oct, 31 2007| Viewed: 59 times  | 2 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-N1 | Exposure 10/3200s, ISO 64 | FLength: 23mm

mikebarton - Mar, 25 2012 04:03pm
Love it. Nature is amazing.

horourke - Mar, 26 2012 04:03am
This picture is of enormous interest to me. The pattern is almost identical to the sand shapes you find on beaches of wet sand e.g. at Sandymount in Dublin. I believe that rocks break in waves just like water but slower by several million years between peaks. Is this in the general area of "The Pamir Knot" which has for decades caught my imagination and I have always pictured as waves of rocks breaking against each other.
It is a very concrete illustration of Mandelbrots ideas on "Fractals"

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