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Asian New Year

information about hong-kong  Hong Kong - Hong Kong

This is the best time to be in Asia. In Feb. 18th will be celebration of their New Year.

You might call it the Chinese New Year but it is the Asian New Year that is celebrated in eastern Asia.

This is the year of the Boar. If you were born in 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 & 2007 this is your year to shine.

By nature, BOARS are peace loving, trustful, honest and sincers.

People born in the year of the Boar will be lucky and successful in handling money, business and academic matters.

They have a deep desire for knowledge and are generally well informed.

Boars are the finishers & the ones who put the last touches to a project.

Boars are suited to be doctors, bankers, businessmen, scientists and entertainers.

Ideal Partner: Rabbit, Ram

Address: 26 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Hong Kong
Phone: + 1-888-407-4747
Price: exclusive

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