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Stanley Park

information about canada  Vancouver - Canada, British Columbia

In 1886 Vancouver's first City Council made a decision to ask the Federal Government to lease 1,000 acres of a land on a peninsula for park and recreation purposes.

The park was named after Lord Stanley who was Governor General of Canada. The Canadian Government only leased the land to Vancouver because there was a fortress built there in case the Americans invaded Canada.

If you are planning to visit Stanley Park I suggest that you wait. There have been torrential rains, snow, hurricane winds, an earthquake yesterday and today it is snowing again.

Most on the park has been closed to visitors because of falling trees. Yesterday the oldest tree in the park was standing while the younger trees fell and a bus on teenagers from Australia were caught between the trees.

Address: 2099 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, British Co
British Columbia
Phone: + 1-604-257-8400
Price: budget

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