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Goageb travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Goageb, Namibia!

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Travel guide to Goageb
Preparing for a brand new day
Preparing for a brand new day
After travelling for miles and miles, over mountain ranges, through open plains you watch pitch roads turn to gravel. When you’ve driven and you don’t want to go any further, when all you can think of is getting some thing to eat you come across Goaged.

Goaged is a tiny settlement on the banks of the Konkiep River. It’s a bizarre area as it seems not much happens here. It’s a nice place for enjoying the outside live; wandering through the grass or over the hills. [edit text]  [editors]

Goageb's travel tips, pictures, advice

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Travel tips on Goageb

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Konkiep Lapa Restcamp

Konkiep Lapa Restcamp

Namibia - (( Bethanien )) - Goageb mistybleu

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