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Puno travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Puno, Peru!

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Travel guide to Puno
panoramica Laguna Sillustani
panoramica Laguna Sillustani
Puno is the capital of the Altiplano region of Peru and is the main town for visiting Lake Titicaca but within the area there are many Inca ruins to see.

It is official folklore centre of Peru and many music/dance festivals are held almost monthly. The most popular festival is the ‘Feast of the Virgen de la Candelaria’ who is the patron of Puno, which is held in February. [edit text]  [editors]

Puno's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (4)    Travel tips (8)    Pictures (42)   

Travel reports on Puno

Author Rating Date
Peru Trilogy. 1. Puno & Lake Titicaca 
Puno,  Peru 
krisek  rating  2008-03-21
Puno and Lake Titicaca 
Puno,  Peru 
downundergal  rating  2002-10-01
Puno and the Yavari... 
Puno,  Peru 
fiftynotes  rating  2008-06-10
peruvian lake titicaca 
Puno,  Peru 
devinhunt  rating  2002-12-04

Travel tips on Puno

picture place / location rating / by member
Casa Andina

Casa Andina

Peru - Puno mistybleu

Kusillo´s Posada

Peru - Puno xxxfloxxx

Hotel Italia

Peru - Puno davidx

La Casona Restaurant

Peru - Puno mistybleu

Cusi Expeditions

Peru - Puno - Puno daniserralta

more travel tips on Puno (8)

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