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the taal volcano crater's by petevlsqz

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information about philippines  TagaytayPhilippines, Tagaytay
45 minute trek to the crater will take you this wonder lake within a lake
Uploaded: May, 07 2006 | Taken: May, 04 2006| Viewed: 217 times  | 12 votes

mistybleu - May, 07 2006 04:05pm
This is a lovely picture of the crater.

farnaz - May, 08 2006 06:05am
very beautiful lake, seems very calm

rangutan - May, 08 2006 07:05am
Amazing Pete, I know the the 30km diameter lake but not that 'Volcano Island' formed in 1965 had it's own mini lake!

petevlsqz - May, 08 2006 08:05am
should have a wide angle lens to take whole crater, my friends adviced to take 2shots and photo stitch, but i don't want cheating. just imagine to mirror d image, you get the whole crater! hot steam!!

leillli - May, 09 2006 06:05am
wow..what a deep blue lake

ravinderkumarsi - May, 09 2006 06:05pm
very nice place and equally well taken.

vtvoyager - Aug, 12 2007 02:08pm
Another great shot. The deep blue color is mesmerizing.

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