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Wasted Wildlife.'s by rmoss

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information about morocco  Sidi IfniMorocco, Tiznit
A Gannet washed up on the beach between Sidi Ifni and Legzira.
The nylon rope snagged on its bill would have prevented it from feeding and flying. Eventually it became too exhausted to keep its head above water and drowned.
Uploaded: Jan, 16 2008 | Taken: May, 07 2006| Viewed: 66 times  | 2 votes

davidx - Jan, 16 2008 04:01pm
Robert - the stars are for you. Pity we can't give negative votes to the killers. These are so magical to watch when they are fishing.

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    Essaouira (2)
    Imouzzer des Ida Ou Tanane (8)
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